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The design of APS MONTIPARK S is suitable mostly for the underground premises of reconstructed buildings in city centres. The main advantages are optimum handling time and high utilisation rate of the in-built space.
We design APS MONTIPARK S in two variants: vertical and horizontal. Both versions can be equipped with circular lifts/conveyors that shorten by half the handling time needed to release the parked vehicle. Thanks to this technology APS MONTIPARK S system is suitable also in administrative buildings, where high turnover of parked cars can be expected.
The capacity of our parking system is between 15 and 40 vehicles, depending on the number of floors. This means APS MONTIPARK S belongs to small and medium sized parking systems.
With the vertical variant the netry and exit place is usually located directly on the service lift. The platform for turning of the vehicle and subsequently easier handling can be placed directly within the working area of the parking system.
The entry and exit place with the horizontal variant is often placed outside the working area of the parking system on the service lift, which connects two separate technological floors. Thus constructed facility guarantees major decrease of handling times to avoid queues of waiting customers in front of APS gate.